- my website is live www.millardhomes.ca
- my e.mail address is live colinmillard.homes@gmail.com
- my office line is live at 250-721-9299
- I have completed my one week of practical training with the Victoria Real Estate Board at the Residential Training Services Applied Practice Course
- my cards are now in for printing - a two sider with strong emphasis on the excellent Brokerage I have joined, Pemberton Holmes
Then our world of musical activities has been high on the to-do list. The Victoria Philharmonic Choir was in full voice on November 20th www.vpc.ca. Any singers out there? Lots of fun and really good musical training under the direction of Peter Butterfield. For a review of our concert please take a moment to look at Deryk Barker's site http://islandnet.com/miv/index.shtml
Also the Victoria Chamber Orchestra for which I am Treasurer, and more importantly for which my wife plays violin has had two concerts this last weekend www.victoriachamberorchestra.org.
So a fairly full time, but being YOUR consultant in Real Estate is my priority so as we head into December I will be starting more active participation in this world, where I can bring all the talents from my work life to date to assist you with your real estate questions. More on that shortly.
Have a good day!